Change over lifetime

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Change over lifetime

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A particle may change over its lifetime. It can become larger or smaller, faster or slower, transparent or tight - other settings and settings in combination with one another are possible.

Defining life duration

Defining life duration

Settings for particle life

Settings for particle life

1. Defining life duration

In the properties window, first set what the maximum age of a particle should be. You can enter a simple value, but a range of values ​​and setting via curves is also possible.

Setting this value is the basis for all other settings that control the behavior over the lifetime. If this value is not set, all settings in terms of life have no effect.

2. Properties of particle life

In the section particle life you can specify how a particle behaves over its lifetime.

You can affect one or more values ​​here. It is a good idea to define the settings as a curve.

If a particle, for example, is to be gently faded in and out, create a curve with four points, which creates a slope which descends after a certain time.

The meanings of the individual options are explained in more detail in the chapter "particles.