Motion path wobbling

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Motion path wobbling

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Motion path wobbling

Motion path wobbling

You can find the effect in the Toolbox below the tab Objects in the Object effects section.

With the help of the effect Motion path wobbling the position of an object on its motion path can be periodically changed.

1. How the motion path wobbling functions

A simple path of motion

A simple path of motion

Path of motion after the application of the effect

Path of motion after the application of the effect

The motion path, which is assigned to the Motion path wobbling effect is manipulated. How much and how often depends on the settings.
In any case, no motion path is also a motion path namely one with a single point in the center of the screen. This is then also blurred accordingly.

2. Properties of the motion path wobbling

Via the horizontal displacement you determine the amount the deviation from the original path to the left (negative value) or right (positive value) should be. The vertical displacement determines the deviation upwards or downwards. The actual displacement is a random value between the two limits.

The distance of the deviation away from the original path determines the duration of a fluctuation. If the movement is to be relatively small, with the minimum distance between fluctuations you can create a pause between the wobbles.