Sprite animation

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Sprite animation

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With the help of sprite animation, changing graphics can be assigned to individual particles. The individual graphics perform exactly the movement specified by the settings in the particle object. A particle thus changes the single image as it moves.

Add more graphics

Add more graphics

1 Insert multiple graphics

After you have completed all the steps from the chapter "Simple particle effect", go to the settings for the particle object.

There you can add more images in the upper area via the Plus icon.

The individual images should be well coordinated.

Sprite animation options

Sprite animation options

2 Enable sprite animation

In the Object settings area you have several options available in the Sprite animation section.

If you created the frames so that the animation should happen one after the other, select Sequentially or Sequentially and back.

Blend sprites

Blend sprites

3 Smooth transition for frames

In the lowest part of the Object settings area there are more options. There you will find the option Blend Sprites.

Activate this option if you want to have smooth transitions between the frames.