3D rotation

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3D rotation

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3D Rotation

You can find the 3D Rotation Effect in the Toolbox below the tab Objects in the section Live effects.

With this effect you can tilt images or videos and easily distort perspective.
You can insert any kind of object, irrespective whether image, text or video.


You can find a ready-made project under File / Open / Example Project.,In this the 3D-Rotation for text and images is used. The title of the example project is "3D Rotation".
The active rotation of the images is implemented with an animation via key frames. In this way the setting of the rotation angle changes over time. Key frames can only be used in stages.

1. Add 3D Rotation

Add 3D Rotation

Add 3D Rotation

Drag the effect from the Toolbox onto the desired location on the Timeline.
Then drag an Object into the effect.

Set the Fill option to Off for the Object in the Properties section, under Background. Reduce the size of the object in the Layout Designer so that its edges do not protrude beyond the visible area, as parts that protrude beyond the visible area are not visible even during rotation.

2. Define settings

3D Rotation settings

3D Rotation settings

Click in the Timeline on the yellow frame of the 3D-Rotation Effect. So you are able to see all parameters for this effect in theProperties section. The best way to see the effects of the settings is to move the ruler. When you move the ruler, you can see the outcome of this effect in the Layout designer.

Rotation angle

Rotation of the object on the x-axis

Rotation angle

Rotation of the object on the y-axis

Rotation angle

Rotation of the object on the z-axis

Rotation center X

Shifts the center of rotation on the x-axis

Rotation center Y

Shifts the center of rotation on the y-axis

Center of rotation Z

Shifts the center of rotation on the z-axis

4. Animate rotation over curve



This feature is only available in AquaSoft Stages.


In the Properties section you will find a Curves Button behind every ruler. With this you can enable the settings of the effect via Key frame in the Timeline or directly in the curve. In this way you determine how the value evolves over time.

Therefore it is possible to actively rotate or move the object within the 3D Rotation.

Settings for 3D Rotation with a curve

Settings for 3D Rotation with a curve

Curve for movement around the x-rotation center

Curve for movement around the x-rotation center